My Next Crazy Adventure: Coast to Coast Challenge

I had so much fun with the Portland Half-Marathon and am so proud of my accomplishment that I want to take it to the next level.    I want to keep pushing my limit and see where it will take me.

Life is short and   I want to be able to look back and say, yep, did that, done that, oh did that one too, so did that one.   Is that too much?   Maybe, but I’m going all out.   I had a second chance to look at life differently and I want to encourage others to do the same.

No, I’m not going to sweet talk others to climb the mountain, or run a marathon.  However – I am challenging everybody to go after things that you always want to do.  Whatever that is.   I know we all have that one thing or two that we always want to do, but there’s always something prevent us from doing that.   My challenge to you — make the time to do that one thing while you still have the time, health and ability to do so because, well, you just never know.

Life is too short for you to not go after your dreams.

Allright.  Enough with being all wise and mature.   I want to go back to being crazy.

So without further ado, here’s my next crazy adventure — I’m going to run a full Marathon.   You would think that I would stop there, right?  No, not me.  I have to go a bit more.   To be exact — I’m going to do the Disney Coast To Coast Challenge.

Yes.  I mean exactly what that page said (assuming you clicked the link).   I’m going to run Walt Disney Marathon at Disneyworld on January 8, 2012 follow by TinkerBell Half-Marathon at Disneyland on January 29, 2012

Wait.  I’m not done.

I’m going to join Team in Training again and help them raise money to fight blood cancer.   I had absolutely an awesome time with the team, and the support from the coaches, staff and alumni during Portland Half-Marathon was incredible.    On top of that – I feel like I’m involved in something important because I will be part of an incredible team who works very hard to raise the money for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for their patient support and blood cancer research.     I am a living example of what this organization do.   Because of their cancer research support, ten years ago, the medicine that I currently take is available for the public.   This is the medicine that allows me to have a normal life.   As normal as you can be as a survivor.   I’m one of the lucky ones.   There are others that are not as lucky as I am.

The second half of this challenge is the fundraising.   This is where all of YOU can get involved since I will need a lot of help to reach my goal.   Details about the fundraising can be found here.

I know that some of you have been so generously supporting me in my previous fundraising efforts and I thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, however, I am going to shamelessly ask again for your help.    Why?   Because not only you are helping ME, you are giving me and the rest of the blood cancer survivors hope.   You are helping give the families of the survivors tremendous support because that’s what the money you are giving is for.    Leukemia & Lymphoma Society offered incredible support to a particular patient AND their family.   I know it because I was at the receiving end of that effort.

So there.  That’s my next crazy adventure.   Hop on and join me.   You won’t regret it.   You will save lifes.   You will save my life.


Week 11: Portland Half – Race Recap

Wow, where do I start.    Well, let try this — I RAN HALF-MARATHON!!!

Yes, I am squealing as I said that with a full blown excitement since for me personally, this is a huuuugee accomplishment.   Never in a million years, I imagined myself to do a long distance run, let alone ran 13.1 miles.   Who does that?  I mean – WHY anybody in the world do that?  I used to questioned that.   I’m a mountaineer.  A hiker.  I am certainly NOT a runner.

Training Recap

Six months ago, my friend Karen Lopez (t) asked me if I want to join SQL Run, and I was probably intoxicated when I told her –  Sure, why not!  Before I knew it, I was on the list of people who were going to run (see her post here).  At that time, I was busy preparing myself for the climb (remember my Mt. Rainier climb preparation – I was quite busy then) and didn’t think much about it.  I told myself – I’m pretty fit, I can do this, and I can start my training after my climb.

Fast forward a few months, I climbed the mountain and it was time to get serious with this running business.   I joined Team In Training and I have to do (another) fundraising, shortly after my fundraising for the climb as well as training for the half.    That was eleven weeks ago, and boy, I was so wrong with ‘I’m pretty fit, I can do this easily’ part.

I was injured.  Multiple times because I wasn’t building up my endurance slowly.  For those that know me, patience really not my strongest suit.  I felt like I can run more, and that’s when it backfired.   I stuck it out though.  I made a public commitment that I was going to do this, and I wasn’t going to quit.  I was too embarrassed to quit, even though there was many, many weeks that I didn’t want to run anymore.   There.  I said it out loud.

Then along the ways, something changed.   I was starting to like it.   Then a few weeks after, I was starting to love it, and before long, I was actually enjoying my running time.   The sound of my breathing, the shoes hitting the ground,  the ever changing scenery as I ran.  The peace in my mind as I created a void for just myself during my run.   The opportunity to just reflect and just be.   That’s my escape.   For those who know my personal battle with cancer, you know that I also have challenges after challenges during this training and there was time that I actually thought I had to literally drag myself for the entire course of the half-marathon due to never-ending fatigued that I experienced as a side effect of my newly dosage medicine.

It was quite an experience, and I’m not even talking about the race yet.

Fundraising and Inspiration Dinner

As I mentioned above, I joined Team In Training as a preparation for this race.   Team In Training is part of Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and they raised money for blood cancer research and patient support.   Obviously, this organization hold a very dear place in my heart as I am their living example of what their organization can do, and what the result of the research do to a patient.

I have to give a shout out to my SQL Community.   This community is so generous and awesome!  I just get done with the fundraising for American Lung Association for my climb which I raised over $10,000 and I turned around and start another one and I raised $2,350.00!!  Waaaay more than what the minimum required or what my personal goal was!   I have very generous friends who believe in my cause and supported me all the way.   I feel so blessed!

The night before the race, we were invited to an inspiration dinner hosted by Team In Training.   I have invited Brent Ozar (t), Rob Farley (t) and Ryan Malcom (t)  to join me and my husband, John for the dinner.   It was EPIC!  Right from the start, we are greeted by Team In Training alumni, coach and volunteer and I am not talking by just ‘Hi, how are you, nice to see you here‘ greeting.   They are all dressed up in purple, with all the bells, sign and full blown cheering us!   It was pretty awesome!!     There must be over 300 peoples on the ballroom!   Those were runners and their families, coaches, alumni and volunteer of Team In Training.

The event started with announcing the numbers and statistics.  As a group, we raised over half-million dollars for this event!  That is very impressive!!   The slide on the projector was displaying the pictures of the survivors, honorary members and the loved one that we lost.  It was.. bitter sweet for me.   Then my name was called to the podium.   It’s my turn to say a word or two.

I stepped in to the podium and thank everybody for their effort.   I’m one of the lucky one and the reason that I can stand before everybody at that very room is because 15 years ago, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society decided to fund research of my current medicine, which was then approved and made available to public 10 years ago.   This medicine allow me to have a normal life.  As normal as you can be, when you are a survivor.    Because of it, I was able to climb the mountain and was about to run my first half-marathon.   I want everybody there to know that their effort and hard work actually do save life and give hope.   To me.   And to the rest of the survivor and their family.   There were tears everywhere, and I hope that was tears of joy.


Race Day

Me, My Team and my Coach

I woke up at 3:30am and couldn’t go back to sleep.  I tossed and turned and finally decided to get ready around 5am.   I have to meet the rest of my team at their hotel by 5:45am.    I was a bit nervous and antsy but I knew that I’m ready for this moment.    We had a team meeting and chatted with our running coach and started to walk to our corral.   I was placed at corral W.

Our corral started to move around 7:20am and at exactly 7:27am – I crossed the start line.   There were so many people around me that I had a hard time to even walk!  I started my application to track my time, turn my audiobook on and started my run.   I did 3-1 Galloway method, which was run for 3 minutes and walk for 1 minutes.

It was hard to get into a rhythm because there were so many people but after the first mile, I finally get into my zone.   5 miles went by so fast and I didn’t even realized them.   My coach out of nowhere run alongside of me an d started to chat and made sure I was okay.   It was a pleasant surprise!!  He ran for a couple miles with me and went off to the side of the road to check on the other TNT runner.   I saw John and Ryan at various point during the cross with their big sign and smile!   It was so awesome!!   There so many spectator and especially, Team In Training supporter!!!

I heard my name called and I looked up and I saw Erin Stellato (t).   She was waaaay ahead of me, but we ran into each other on this one stretch of the course and it was so, so awesome to see her!!    Shortly after, I saw Jes Borland (t) who literally screamed her lung out when she saw me!    Shortly after, I hit the 8 miles marker and turn around on that stretch and I saw Karen, Brent and Rob Farley went the other way.  I high-fived them, screamed their name with a huge grin in my face and went on with my running.    Somehow, I missed Rob Drysdale (t) and Allen White (t) on that stretch.

Around 10 miles mark, my coach run alongside me again and gave me some encouraging wisdom to power me for the rest of few miles.   I was pumped and not even once I had to talk myself to keep running!

My 'I just ran 13.1 miles' face

My running app told me that I have a mile to go and I was pumped!   I ran faster and harder and crowd was just chanting and cheering all of us!  I can’t express with words how I felt other than awesome!   I kept on running and I heard my name shout out LOUD.   I couldn’t really see where the voice came from but I knew that was Jes and Erin.   I kept on running and I saw them on the right side, behind the fence.   They were bouncing up and down, screaming my name loud and I was in heaven!  I looked at to the left side and I saw Ryan, Bill and Doug holding #SQLRUN sign.   I ran even faster, my tears started to fell and I barely can see anything as I started crying.   I lifted both of my hands up and crossed the finish line.   I did it.   I finished!  Upright and smiling!!!

I got my medal and space blanket and walked towards the food line, which by the way, AMAZING.   Got my finisher shirt, roses, trees and pendant.    I had one thing in my mind.   I want to see my husband, John.    I knew he was there by the finish line, even though I can’t see or hear him.   I kept walking and found myself by the Team In Training tent.   I signed off, high-fived a lot of peoples, ate more foods and saw Rob D., Ryan, Bill, Mike and Doug.   They were standing by Ray of Hope tent.   I joined them and chit chat for a bit before I caught a glimpse of John in the corner of my eyes.   I ran towards him, literally leaped into his arm and I lost it.   I cried my heart out.   This was a huge accomplishment for me as I had so many, many challenges leading up to this point.   Not even a year ago, I was undergo three weeks radiation and since then, I climbed the mountain and now, ran a half-marathon!!

Runner Reunion

Half-Marathon Runner. Awesome group of people

After a hot shower, stretched and a lot of water, I went to have lunch with the rest of my friends I mentioned above.   It was the most delicious brunch I ever had!   We chatted, we took pictures, we drank, we ate and we had so much fun!   I looked around the table and found myself tear up a bit.    I had amazing support, amazing friends and amazing group of runner.    I’m very proud to call these people my friends, my new extended-family.   I love them.  Because of them, I can proudly say now that I am a runner.

Thank you.   Thank you for your support, your encouragement, your friendship and most importantly, thank you for being in my life.

Lastly, I want to thank my husband, John, who put up with my whiny days, drove me at the wee hours and rode his bike alongside with me while I did my long run without even a single complaint.

I can’t do this without you.

What’s Next

I have the next crazy thing line up, but I think I’m going to save it for a different post.   Stay tuned.   You will know soon.



Week 10 – 11: Portland Marathon – Bring it on

Okay, I’ve been slacking off on the update in the past two weeks.  I have no excuse other than I didn’t make it as a priority.   Life, training and work got in a way of my writing lately and it’s been crazy weeks.   So I’m not going to recap my week and going to keep this short.

Tomorrow, I’ll be joining my fellow runner, twenty thousands of them to run Portland Marathon course.   I’m ready.   Not that I ‘think’ I am ready, but I am really ready.   I’ve been training for a while and I’m going to run this race with a bunch of group friends of mine.  That’s what make this race so awesome.   Not only that, I am part of Team in Training, an awesome part of Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and tomorrow, October 9 2011, mark a week shy of three weeks of my cancer diagnosis.  So this is half-marathon is personal for me.  Very personal.

I also want to say thank you to all the people that support me, donate to my cause generously.  You are the best.

Bring it on.  I’m ready.



Week 8 & 9: Portland Half – I’m ready. I think.

Okay.  I suck.  Life get in a way and I am 2 weeks behind on my running blog.    Good thing though, my training is been consistent, even though I have to take, yet another week off (during week 8) because I’m sick.    So my post today will be a wee bit different.   I’m not going to list the plan, just the actual on what happened.

Week 8 Summary:

I did NOTHING.   I was sick and wasn’t able to run at all.  Actually, I tried.  Last me about a couple miles while I was huffing and puffing, trying to breath AND cough in the same time.

Week 9 Summary:


I ran around my neighborhood and put in a good 4 miles.  I felt strong and able to focus on the run.   After a week not doing much of anything, this run felt really good


Strength Training.   I did a little bit, well, okay, fewer than a little bit of this at home.   I did only a couple of hip strengthening routines, couple lunges and squat.  12 reps, 3 sets.


Put in another 4 miles.   I was a bit sluggish as I was tired, but had a good run


Cross training day.  I totally bailed on this one.   Had a lot of things going on, and completely miss the window that I can go to the gym and do this




Long 12 miles run day for me.   I went to Snoqualmie Valley Trail around 10am.   Yes, it’s kinda late for a long-run, but that’s the beauty about this trail.   There’s lots of trees around.  Lot of them, so it never really get too hot even in the middle of the day.  The weather is perfect 50 degrees with just enough sunshine.

I turn my audiobooks on, set my runmeter and off I went.   I was doing 3-1 Galloway method.  Run for 3 minutes, Walk for 1 minutes.   Before I knew it, I hit halfway point and felt really strong.   I slow down a bit on the second half as I felt that I ran a wee bit too fast for what I am used to.   I finished the entire 12 miles within 2 hours 19 minutes and still have plenty of energy to do 3 miles walk in the evening for my Light the Night Walk around Greenlake.   Not too shaby for a first-timer.




Haven’t done much on this front as I’m going to my second phase of fundraising for the Tinker Bell Marathon.   I’ll be more active about this after my Portland Half.   Link for my fundraising page is here




Week 7: Portland Half – Busy Week

Plan for this week:

Mon: Run 3.75 miles

Tues:  Strength Training

Wed: Run 3.3 miles

Thu: Cross Training

Fri: Rest

Sat: Run 11 Miles

Sun: Rest

I totally flunked this week’s training.   It’s a week leading up to my wedding reception and well, I’m a wee bit busy than normal.  Yes, yes I know.  I should made that a priority but life get in a way and I did not do any of my strength training, cross training and long run (that scheduled on my wedding day!).   I was trying to make that happen though, even pack my running shoes along with my wedding dress but I was not able to do that.  Or let say – I did not make that as a priority.   I choose to enjoy the day with my husband instead.    After all, those 4 inches heels that I wore on Saturday gave my calves a workout as if I ran uphill!

How it went down:


I took the girls with me to East Lake Sammamish trail so they can rode their bike around while I ran.  We stopped at my mom’s on the way there and my youngest one decided to stay behind at Grandma.   I asked my brother to join me and since he’s about to go out and did a run himself.    We got to the trail and while my husband unloaded the bike with my oldest daughter, I started the run with my brother.   My muscles felt pretty tight initially (after my 10 miler 2 days prior) but it started to loosen up about a mile into it.   I felt great and was trying on this pose running method that my brother-in-law told me.   It was interesting!  I did have to constantly thinking about it though.  I wasn’t able to just naturally do that.   As we approached the 2 miles mark, I heard someone calling my name.   It was my 5-years old!  She rode her bike (without training wheels) to catch up with me!  I was so surprised as she never rode her bike that far!  We had a little ‘accident’ as she fell off the bike on the 2 miles mark and I had to stop and comfort her, but my husband told me to keep running so I did.   I continued to run back and was a bit distracted as I was worry about my daughter.   Shortly after I finished, I heard a giggle and there she was, riding back to where we started.   I was so proud of her!  My 5 years old rode for 4 miles!  Oh, and I did pretty good myself.   My avg page was 11:20.


I didn’t really do any strength training, but I went to see my PT and we did a few stretching and strengthening routines.


Work get in a way and I skipped a run.   I only had an hour sleep the night before and I have nothing in my tank to even walk, let alone run.


I put on my running clothes, laced of my shoes and dropped my girls to school.   I told my husband to drop me on top of the hill and I will run home (yes, I don’t want to run hill).   It was awesome morning and I ran around my neighborhood.  Turn out, even though I avoid the main hill, I still had to run to about 3-4 different hilly road.   I also was trying on different running trick.  The Galloway method.   Jeff Galloway is the official running coach for all Disney event and I’m curious with this run/walk method.   I choose 4-1, which mean 4 minutes run and 1 minute walk and I love it.   My avg pace is 10:32 with this method!!  I *never* able to run below 11 minutes pace!  I want to try this method on my long run and see how that goes


Rest Day


My schedule called for double-digit long run today but I have a wedding to have.   I thought that I might be able to do that afterwards, but who I was kidding.   Beside, as I mentioned above, my 4 inches heels that I wore really did a number to my calves!




I didn’t do much for fundraising this week, but a few of my awesome friends donated to it without me asking.   You know who you are.  Thank you SO much from the bottom of my heart.   I’m looking for a corporate sponsor.   Yes, you.  I’m talking to all of ISV or Solution Provider company on my circle.   I know you are not doing or selling anything ‘running’ but I’m a DBA and what could be a better way to sponsor your own and have your company logo/name printed on my running jersey that I’m going to use on my Disney run.  Let me say it again.   DISNEY run (which mean, there’s thousands of people who will see that).  On top of that, you will be helping Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.   You are helping ME.   I’m a survivor and these organization play a critical roles on research for MY medicine.   Email me for detail or visit my fundraising page at


Week 6: Portland Half – Back to Normal

Plan for this week:

Mon: Run 3.75 miles

Tues: Strength Training

Wed: Run 3.75 miles

Thu: Cross Training

Fri: Rest

Sat: 9 miles Run

Sun: Rest

This week is a highlight of my training run so far.  I’m still nursing my IT Band injury but overall, I felt great and this week is my best week so far.   I went to see Physical Therapy on Monday and had a painful yet awesome massage for my injury.   I also learned a few different stretching technique and some different strength training routines to help my injury.    I also (gasp!) decided to register for my second half-marathon race before even do my first one!   Yes, I know – a bit ambitious, but hey – life is short and I can’t see a reason for NOT going after what I want to do.   Not even a stupid cancer can stop me.   On January 29, 2012 – I will also be running half-marathon on TinkerBell Run at Disneyland.   I’m so excited and looking forward to it!    I still need your help though, as my mission to raise money for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to fund research for finding the cure for my cancer still on and to meet my minimum fundraising for the race.

This week, I also did my FIRST double digit run!  If you asked me a couple months ago f I can run 10-miles, I would say – there’s no way I can do that.  Well, lookie here – I just did it yesterday.   I felt pretty awesome and not even once I have to talk myself into keep running.   I am so proud of me!

How it went down:


I woke up early and ran at my favorite running trail by my house, Snoqualmie Valley Trail.   I felt really good with my pace and I was able to focus with my run.  I tried to pay attention with my body on recognizing the feeling of each part and made a mental note on how I felt.   The air was crisp and the trail was lovely.   I finished my 4 miles within 46:12 minutes.


I did my strength training routines that was recommended by my Physical Therapist.   Mostly a hip exercise to strengthen my hips and prevent any future injury as well as a few cores routines.   Gotta love the lunges (all 4 kinds of it).


I laced up my shoes around noon and head out to this waterfront trail by my office.   I set my iPhone app on and started to run.   I had another great run!  It was perfect day, with perfect breeze and enough sun.   I was focusing on my breathing, my heart beat and the sounds of my shoes hitting the ground, one after another.   I finished 4 miles withing 46:01 minutes and felt great afterwards


I was supposed to do cross training, but life get in a way.   I decided to call it an extra rest day.


Rest day!


My brother-in-law and the husband are going out for the run with me.   We were at the trail at 7:45am and did our light warm up.   My husband was on his bike, and my brother-in-law was running with me.    The first mile went by really quick and I didn’t even realize it as I had a good time chatting with my brother-in-law as I was running (chatting and running, can you believe that?  I used to HATE that).   We ran side by side and just had a great time.   Before long, 3 miles went by and I switched to my audio books.   I love listening to audiobook when I run!   The one that I am listening right now is What I Talk about When I Talk about Running and it’s pretty good so far!   It kept my mind occupied during the long run and focus on the words.   I hit the 5 miles mark with no problem (other than the need for the bathroom break)!  I took my Gu shot, down some water with it and turn around on that trail for the second part of my run.   My pace slowed down a bit on the second half, but I still felt great.   Not even once, I had to talk myself to keep on running!   The tweets from my friends during my run were absolutely awesome!   I love you guys!   I finished 10 miles withing 1:58:11!  Under two hours!!  30 minutes faster than the time I was predicted for myself!!  So so happy!


