T-1: Climb for Clean Air
Another day closer to my climb day! Today’s agenda is climb school and a fire pit chat with Lou Whittaker. For some reason I thought we were doing the fire pit chat yesterday with Lou, but it is tonight at 7pm. Yesterday we were only meeting our lead guide. During climb school, we are going to learn different techniques that will save us our lives in the event of unfortunate situation, fine tuning the technique of things that we are already know, such as breathing and walking. Learn how to self-arrest (just in case you fall) and team arrest (just in case your team member fall), walk on with crampon, walk with ropes and all other cool mountaineering techniques that will needed for this climb.
My pack will be a wee bit lighter since the equipment list for climb school are not as much as the climb day. We are going to huddle at 8:15am and be at Paradise at 9:30am. We will be out and about until 3pm.
As I am writing this post, it is raining outside. Not pouring, but sprinkle rain and a little bit of wind. It’s not a new thing for Seattle resident since that’s pretty much how our weather all year. Hopefully, wind stay the same and the rain will not get any harder.
Well, I better eat my breakfast and head out. Thank you for your emails/tweets! Keep them coming, since I might need a little encouragement later when I come back from the climb school – super tired, wet and cold and question myself on why in the world I am doing this.
Lots of love.