My Next Crazy Adventure: Coast to Coast Challenge

I had so much fun with the Portland Half-Marathon and am so proud of my accomplishment that I want to take it to the next level.    I want to keep pushing my limit and see where it will take me.

Life is short and   I want to be able to look back and say, yep, did that, done that, oh did that one too, so did that one.   Is that too much?   Maybe, but I’m going all out.   I had a second chance to look at life differently and I want to encourage others to do the same.

No, I’m not going to sweet talk others to climb the mountain, or run a marathon.  However – I am challenging everybody to go after things that you always want to do.  Whatever that is.   I know we all have that one thing or two that we always want to do, but there’s always something prevent us from doing that.   My challenge to you — make the time to do that one thing while you still have the time, health and ability to do so because, well, you just never know.

Life is too short for you to not go after your dreams.

Allright.  Enough with being all wise and mature.   I want to go back to being crazy.

So without further ado, here’s my next crazy adventure — I’m going to run a full Marathon.   You would think that I would stop there, right?  No, not me.  I have to go a bit more.   To be exact — I’m going to do the Disney Coast To Coast Challenge.

Yes.  I mean exactly what that page said (assuming you clicked the link).   I’m going to run Walt Disney Marathon at Disneyworld on January 8, 2012 follow by TinkerBell Half-Marathon at Disneyland on January 29, 2012

Wait.  I’m not done.

I’m going to join Team in Training again and help them raise money to fight blood cancer.   I had absolutely an awesome time with the team, and the support from the coaches, staff and alumni during Portland Half-Marathon was incredible.    On top of that – I feel like I’m involved in something important because I will be part of an incredible team who works very hard to raise the money for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for their patient support and blood cancer research.     I am a living example of what this organization do.   Because of their cancer research support, ten years ago, the medicine that I currently take is available for the public.   This is the medicine that allows me to have a normal life.   As normal as you can be as a survivor.   I’m one of the lucky ones.   There are others that are not as lucky as I am.

The second half of this challenge is the fundraising.   This is where all of YOU can get involved since I will need a lot of help to reach my goal.   Details about the fundraising can be found here.

I know that some of you have been so generously supporting me in my previous fundraising efforts and I thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, however, I am going to shamelessly ask again for your help.    Why?   Because not only you are helping ME, you are giving me and the rest of the blood cancer survivors hope.   You are helping give the families of the survivors tremendous support because that’s what the money you are giving is for.    Leukemia & Lymphoma Society offered incredible support to a particular patient AND their family.   I know it because I was at the receiving end of that effort.

So there.  That’s my next crazy adventure.   Hop on and join me.   You won’t regret it.   You will save lifes.   You will save my life.


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  1. TinkerBell Half-Marathon: Race Recap | Yanni Robel - […] my age group, but I finished another half-marathon yesterday.  Remember when I post here about my next crazy adventure?…

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