If you are installing CU9 on Clustered SQL2005-SP3 environment and your security is set as mixed authentication – beware about this behavior. The install change your authentication to windows only.
You need to go back and change it manually after the CU install successfully.
I can’t find any reference to this issue anywhere until I post this question at #sqlhelp on twitter and Kendra Little blog | twitter responded to me and said that she experienced the same thing and point me to the this page (you might need to login using your windows live id). This is a bug # 450316.
So apparently this is a known bug that was reported with CU4. What interesting with this, Microsoft reported that this is a registry issue with SP3 installation and it should be a self-correcting issue so they close this bug with a note ‘Won’t Fix’
Well – I just did CU9 on my SQL2005Entx64-SP3 and the issue still out there and I dont think this is ‘self-correcting’. Anybody out there experience the same?
I don’t know if SQL2008 SP1 have similar behavior with their CU, but I will see if I can test it on my sandbox. Just for a note tho – this ONLY happened on a clustered instance (or at least for me)
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